Sunday, February 1, 2009

bitten by the bug

I used to just read other people's blogs, and admire them for having (or making) the time & effort to put their thoughts in writing. I've always wanted to do the same, simply for the sake of writing, but gave myself lots of excuses hehehe (no time la, penat la, have to share laptop with hubby la, etc) But once I got started with my own, I have to say, it's addictive! After my last post, there were so many things that I wanted to write... not that I'm writing for other people (if others are reading, that's cool! :), but I wanted to capture my thoughts and experiences while they were still fresh, and later have the opportunity to revisit/relive those moments...

Unfortunately, since my last post almost 2 weeks ago, I have had to lie low for a while... reasons being:
1 - Office internet access doesn't allow blogger access (I can view blogs, and sometimes post comments (when the network's ok, but can't access my own! Go figure... hehe)
2 - We try not to leave my parents' home too late at night, so usually after dinner (and clearing up), we make our move... so no lingering there to go online (ada streamyx, wireless modem lagi hehehe), so no blogging
3 - Our own place has no internet access (yet), but that will change tomorrow... (yeay!!) We're having the installer come tomorrow, before lunch, so hopefully after this I can squeeze in some time at night after work :)

Right now we're at my parents' place for the night, so curi-curi time from the kids (who are happily and noisily playing downstairs near their Atuk) to write...

So unlike ScribblingMom, I'm not jammed for material at the moment hehehe... perhaps reading your blog gives me ideas :)

I can't wait for our streamyx to be up and running! I'm definitely bitten by the blogging bug! hehehe...


  1. selamat berblogging... bila idea mencurah2 memang best... bila kena blogger's block, memang jammed! hhahaha

  2. n.i.,
    tu la... once dah start, terasa macam-macam benda nak tulis... but time is still an issue la... kalau nak buat jugak macam ni la, 11.30pm baru ngadap computer hehe
