Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kakak's new school

Tomorrow Amani starts her new school... well, not new in the sense that it's replacing her current school, but new cos tomorrow she starts going to Madrasah AnNur for her kelas agama & mengaji...

She's had it easier than most in her transition from daycare to kindy, cos her nursery handles both. As she gradually progressed from year to year, her activities at 'school' (nursery) have started to incorporate more learning. She's also taking extra Mandarin classes there, ever since her Mandarin teached spoke to us about her willingness and interest to learn more, and her ability to pick up the language very well. So this year, she's already doing kindy lessons in the morning, in line with other pre-schools, and her additional Mandarin class takes place twice a week in the afternoons.

Because of that extra Mandarin, we've had some problems trying to source for suitable kelas mengaji. Luckily, when we spoke to the teacher at the Madrasah, they're actually OK with her taking off early on the days she has her Mandarin class... ye la, pre-school kan... exams pun bukan la major, so nothing much to worry about there. At first we only wanted to look for mengaji, but the Madrasah feels it's much better for her to learn the other stuff as well (including amali solat), so that the learning is more comprehensive. We're definitely OK with that... we do want her to pick up things like solat early in life, and expecting her to learn from us yang tak berapa pandai sangat ni pun of course is not enough... and we feel that with her ability to pick up languages easily right now, it gives her an advantage when learning mengaji in a more structured manner... since she gets to maintain the secular while going for the religious, that's great!

We're still finalizing our strategy for tomorrow though... do we pick her up from nursery/kindy & send her to the Madrasah? Or follow discreetly behind the van & meet her there? Do we just drop her off, or linger? Amani tends to cling a little in unfamiliar situations, so I'm not sure how she'll react tomorrow... We've already told her about the new school, and her usual response to new situations: 'Amani nak mama...' I have faith in her adaptability, and she's a very well-behaved student (based on the feedback from her nursery handlers and kindy & Mandarin teachers)... I'm sure she'll be just fine... Whatever it is, we still have to be there to hand over the necessary paperwork, so we'll see how it goes... we still have tonight and tomorrow morning (while waiting for the streamyx guy hehe) to decide how we're gonna do this...

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