Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Off to school...

Amani has safely started her sekolah agama on Monday... Hubby & I spent the morning running errands, cleaning the house & installing streamyx (hehe) among other things. Biasa la kan, time cuti baru la ada masa nak buat memacam benda...

By 2.30pm we were at the Madrasah already, but it turns out the kids are sent to the Madrasah at 3pm, cos the driver had to drop off other kids further away first. So at 3pm, we saw the car drive up to the Madrasah and our darling little girl came out, dressed in her white baju, green kain & white tudung! Alahai anak mama... comelnya!! Macam anak muallaf gitu rupa... 2 other girls from her nursery were with her. Turns out the 2 siblings go to the same Madrasah (I thought they were enrolled at the other KAFA school). And one of them (Sarah) is actually in the same class as Amani, as they put the 5 & 6 year-olds in the same pre-school class. Alhamdulillah! The 2 sisters basically took Amani under their wing, showing her where to put her shoes, finding her a seat in the class.... so sweet kan? Thank you girls, for helping Amani adjust & settle down in a new environment...

I felt excited to see her start 'school', and yet... rasa macam nak nangis pun ada jugak. She's growing up so fast! Since she started her kindy classes this year, she's been asking us, 'Amani five years old ke mama? Amani dah besar? Amani nak besar macam mama...' please don't grow up yet sayang ye...

She's being somewhat extra moody this week though... probably due to the changes (I'll give her the benefit of the doubt anyway)... so memalam ni dok layan la tengok DVD kartun manjang and cuddling up to her father...

Tomorrow is her 4th day there... I really hope that she starts to enjoy being there soon... good girl anak mama...

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