Sunday, February 22, 2009

tummy bug

We're all recovering from a suspected tummy bug... myself, Hariz, & Hubby... even my brother's down with something similar. Luckily Amani is OK so far (let's hope it stays that way!), which I suspect is partly due to the fact that she is geli with her brother's saliva, and thus doesn't take too kindly to his slobbery kisses hehehe... as for the rest of us, that could very well be the price that we pay for Hariz's affectionate (and very wet!) kisses - a transfer of whatever virus he's got to us!

It basically started with Adik vomiting a few days ago... when we brought him to the paediatrician, he told us if it's a virus (as he suspects it is), it'll lead to him having diarrhea later on. Since it was probably contagious, we decided to take him out of nursery for the day & just rest at home. Typical of Adik, even though he's technically not very well, he's still running around happily in full steam.

My agony started yesterday... I've never made so many trips to the loo in one day! Dah lama tak kena... I felt weak the whole day, plus my body ached all over! Let's not talk about appetite... I barely ate at all the whole day. The last time this sort of thing hit me was a few years ago, due to food poisoning. Hubby fought off the virus differently - he ran a fever, and his tummy wrestled, but at least he didn't have to stay within 3 feet of the loo heheh...

Now we're all lepakking at my parents' place, and everyone seems to be recovering nicely... I greatly enjoyed this morning's breakfast! I'm so glad my appetite's back hehehe...

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