Saturday, July 11, 2009

Physical expansion - my reason to shop??


It is with great sadness that I have to acknowledge I have physically expanded :(

The signs were there... certain pants wouldn't fit anymore, or fit so snugly I won't be able to breathe... several skirts also seemed to enhance (or is it emphasize???) my derriere (sp?)... some (alright, many!) of my kebayas would have to go into storage for a while too...

The painful truth hit me when I sent some fabric to my tailor for Raya.... my measurements have changed significantly!!!!

Oleh yang demikian, terpaksa la I terima kenyataan and go buy new pants for work... which I did last week.

Habis la swipe kat plastic kaler biru untuk beli 3 helai seluar, yang confirmed berubah saiz... yesterday I saw some nice pants at Isetan as well, so may just take a look at them next week.

These past 2 weeks memang sakan bershopping... bought plenty of clothes for the kids for Raya and school, a nice linen shirt for hubby and a shirt for my dad during the Isetan members' pre-sale, bought tons of jersey for tudungs as the shops were having a sale (and they're still having special promotions!!! augh... how do I resist the temptation??? Dah ada sekotak penuh kain yang belum dipotong lagi ni...), bought those pants for myself, bought a birthday present for my dad yesterday (plus a little something for myself as well hehehe)... hari ni belum ada apa-apa lagi hehehe... nasib baik le not too much damage done on my wallet, cos the kids' clothes were courtesy of the Isetan vouchers my dad won in a golf tourney (which he generously donated to his grandkids for Raya hehehe... so I got him a little something from those vouchers as well la)...

Ni ada alasan lagi nak gi beli baju baru for myself... if I really go through my wardrobe, I think at least half will have to be put aside for now :( Tu la kan, sapa suruh beli baju size ngam-ngam je ngan badan... Kalau nak kurus balik, kena pregnant dulu pulak (the exercise option langsung tak masuk list hehehe)... belum boleh guna cara ni dulu kot, belum sampai masa lagi rasanya...


  1. i pulak baru beli pants last 2 weeks. then pakai2 this week - longgar!!!!

    arrghhhhh....nak kena beli tali pinggang la pulak.

  2. hahaha... itulah masalah orang pompuan hehehe... kejap kembang, kejap kuncup.. hehehe... don't worry, we'll always be in the same boat :-)
