Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Harry Potter 6 and Transformers 2

My verdict of HP 6?

Where was the fight scene when the Death Eaters entered Hogwarts???? And why was the scene were Harry fought Snape so short??? They could have done away with the attack at The Burrows (which was not in the book) and do the major battle at the end instead...

Otherwise, it's quite OK... I felt Hermione's heartbreak (macam familiar je... ye ke? hehehe), I cried when he died (in case ada orang tak tgk lagi and tak baca the book - awww heck, I cried when I read the book too... so no surprise there kan?) Loads of laughs too... Looking forward to the next 2 movies... but after that, no more Harry Potter to look forward to... :( Hmm, mula la rasa macam nak read all of them again...

Transformers 2 - a whole lot of fun... but not so much of the storyline compared to the first movie, I think. But there's plenty of Josh Duhamel, so OK la heheheh... (hey, Hubby got Megan Fox, I've got my eye candy too!! :p) Tapi memang le the movie glorified the US Army! Bersungguh-sungguh tunjuk all the firepower and equipment that they have! To know more, go catch the movie!!

So all in all, the 3 latest movies I saw this year (the other was Star Trek in May) are definitely worthwhile to add to our DVD collection for future viewing :)


  1. hey babe...paying a visit! ;D
    yeah tue yg tahan kannn US mesti nak menang jugakkkk! ;p

  2. hey lady verde,

    thanx 4 dropping by :)
    hehehe....bagi chan la kan, nak tunjuk power dlm movies, org lain takleh nak dispute...

  3. Yaa at transformers w the action and Megan fox was good
    as you said the story line is not good,me too think same :)first one was just awesome :)

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