Sunday, May 3, 2009

Of office politics and what you deserve...

I'm no good with office politics... I'm also no good with 'melayan bos' or managing bosses... I just try to get my work done in the best possible manner without sacrificing my family and my values...

I know some gurus say you need to market your own self to get ahead, but I subscribe to the belief that my boss is the one who should see what I do, recognize that and do the 'marketing' time appraisal time... so when I get stuck with someone who doesn't do that, then no matter what I do and how well I do it, I'll never be recognized for it... It's tough, you know, but at least I have the luxury of sleeping well at night anyway cos I have not thrown sand into someone else's rice pot...

Nevertheless, an chance encounter can and does bring pleasure to me at work, when it unexpectedly reveals what other people feel about you...

I bumped into one of the big bosses from my previous position (I recently transferred, remember?) and he asked about my new job... he casually mentioned that when the appraisal committee was discussing me, they wondered aloud why they let me transfer out... and these were the senior leaders that I only meet and talk to for formal, work-related matters... it feels good to know I've left some sort of positive impression, even though the formal recognition isn't there...

Right now at work people are talking about this one person who is hell-bent on pursuing her 'deserved' rating, without realizing that no one thinks she should get what she is chasing after... she is so sure that she's being victimized that it hasn't occurred to her that she's only getting what she deserves... and she's spiralling downwards as we speak, putting her entire career in jeopardy... the angrier she's getting, the more reason she seems to lose... all this while she's managed to get away with ratings that she didn't deserve because she 'managed her boss' well and marketed her staff's work as her own, and now that her boss has changed, she's finding that she can't get away with it anymore, and that people's called her bluff...

People in the know are saying 'what goes around, comes around...'

Nice guys (and girls) finish last, but they never lose sleep over it... and everyone eventually gets what they deserve anyway... So, based on your conduct, do you think you deserve something good in the end, or are you the only one who feels that way?

Let's hope the former, not the latter ye...

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