Saturday, March 21, 2009

For the love of writing...

I was digging through some old papers in my parents' room some time ago (alright, they were my papers, menumpang diri in there ever since I had to move my bookshelves to her room before my wedding hehehe) looking for a copy of my degree, when I found several papers I'd written in the past.

Some were college assignments, others were drafts of papers, and some were actually my essays for my college applications written in 1996! Unfortunately, I didn't really take good care of the papers, so some had turned yellow and mouldy at the edges... luckily my high school certs were still OK! Those I had kept in the plastic folders, so are still in good condition.

What struck me as I browsed through the papers was how much I missed writing! Yea, I admit, I still write now - emails, notes, writeups of events at work, this blog - but it's not the same. Even my writing voice is not the same anymore. I remember enjoying my English Lit courses, the other optional Lit and Theater classes, anything with final papers to write. They were a pleasure to do! To analyse what I though the writer meant, what the pictures represented, what the images conjured... to me, they were the most enjoyable part of college classes! Of course my friends didn't agree hehehe... they'd rather sit through a final exam than write a final paper heheh...

Anyway, I thought I sounded more positive then, more hopeful, more cheerful... and more analytical, too, somehow... I wonder how I changed from that to what I am now... should I even want to write in the same voice as I did before? Would my material still be of the same mould, or has my life changed so much that what previously interested me would no longer hold the same appeal?

Over the years, I've wanted to go back to writing... even contemplating taking up long-distance writing courses (and UW-Madison happens to have a good program too!), but never managed to take that final step to enrol (I did ask for the program catalogue though hehe)... maybe I'll think about it some more and take the plunge, if only to satisfy myself... who knows, maybe I'll find my purpose through that... at the very least, I should continue to write for pleasure kan, which is where this blog comes in :)

And no, I didn't find any copies of my degree... the original's safely in my parents' safe deposit box... but there were plenty of my original transcripts hehe... hmm, I wonder, should I still keep them in case future needs calls for them? ;)


I guess that's why I'm enjoying bloghopping... reading other people's thoughts, going through the different voices out there... the funny, the plain, the detailed, the poignant... so many people I can learn from! To all the bloggers out there, keep chronicling your lives ye!


  1. you love writing?
    try la hantar artikel apa2 kat paper ke?
    i memang tak reti nak susun2 ayat ni...
    mandom jer kalo orang baca :(

  2. mrs noba,
    dulu ada jugak cita-cita tu, but tak tau nak tulis pasal apa... plus segan gak, rejection rate kan quite high...

    at least kat blog sendiri i decide whether to publish or not hehe...

    maybe in the future kot, insya-Allah...
