We do! I say we, meaning my colleagues and I who are all bag-crazy hehehe...
It started in January... a group of us yang memang kaki handbag were just talking about the state of our finances in relation to our constant desire for bags and more bags. Someone suggested we start a kutu (for those not familiar with the term, it's basically a mutual fund collected from all the members on a monthly basis, for a certain amount of money. The duration of the kutu depends on the number of people involved, plus the sum we wish to get per person. Some of the rules may vary according to the group).
So anyway, after mulling over the idea, 5 of us agreed on the proposal. The kutu started in Jan 2009, and will run till at least June 2009 when all the members have received their share (yea, i know... 5 people, but 6 months? Two of the ladies decided to band together and pitch in another share, so technically they get the money twice. Genius, no? Hehehe...)
And I was lucky recipient No. 2!!!! Whooohooo!!! So I got my cut last week, bile gaji dah masuk, and I spent an enjoyable week thinking of what I'd like to do with the money. The stress I was feeling at work more than fuelled my shopping intent, as a means to relieve my tension.
And the result? Tadaaaaaa!!!!

Behold my latest acquisition!!! The Parker Op Art Convertible Hippie, but in Khaki/Brown (seen here is Light Khaki/Sand - apparently the brown is not available on coach.com, but is here in the KL boutique). Gorgeous, just gorgeous! At first my friend and I spent a delightful hour browsing the Radley bags on sale at Isetan last Friday, but before I made my final selection, I just had to go and see if the boutique had put up the latest Spring collection for display. And it had! So my kutu's fate was sealed.... and to be strictly honest, I had to top it up a bit... hehehe...
If some people feel we are wasting our money during these hard times, that's entirely their opinion. Our rationale for doing this stems from the fact that it's actually a form of forced savings, since we'll have to fork out the money every month, and at the end of the day we've got the lump sum for us to do as we wish. We may or may not buy a handbag as originally intended, but if we do, at least it's from money we've saved over that period. And if we don't save it pun, it'll sure flow out of our wallets for other purposes without us noticing.... sob, sob...
Lest anyone else thinks we're spendthrifts, just for the record we've already paid off all our monthly obligations, put aside the necessary funds for savings, and have some money left over for our daily expenses... we're not mindless shopaholics, ok?
Sigh... Honestly, the high from that single purchase will be enough to sustain me through some tricky situations anticipated this month.... reliving the experience - bliss!
kutu pun kutu laaa...
ReplyDeletesangat worth waiting for uour turn!
woohoo!!! tahniah on the latest acquisition... i memang suka main kutu muahahahaha