Has anyone ever tried one of those skin analysis things that the cosmetics/skincare companies' booths often have?

I've often wanted to do that, at least for the sake of finding out the 'true' condition of my skin. Last year, as I regretfully realize that I was approaching my 'tiga-puluh-sen' years, I noticed my skin was beginning to show some signs of needing more special care. When I was studying in the States, I used Clinique for my moisturizing needs (especially perfect for the Midwestern winters, I tell you!), but found it to be too rich for use here, so I switched to Oil of Olay. For years I've been happily relying on Oil of Olay for my skincare, but I realized at that point that it was no longer adequate for me. So I started using Biotherm, the Biosource and Aquasource line plus Source Therapie for normal/combination skin... I did that without trying out the skin analysis thingie though, so kire main agak-agak aje la keadaan kulit sendiri....

This year, after more than 8 months of using Biotherm and needing a fresh supply, the promotion booth set up near the KLCC lift area was extremely inviting hehehe... I figured this was as good a time as any to check out my skin condition after months of using the products. Yesterday being a Friday, I'd already surveyed the display setup while on the usual Friday ronda-ronda with my friend, so on the way back from work, I stopped by and did the analysis... and the result?
My skin was not that dry (which I already knew by now hehehe), but apparently the range I was using is no longer that suitable for me!!! I need something that will provide me with increased moisture, so that the elasticity is increased... The recommendation? The Age Fitness range!

I had visions of that meaning I have old skin (oh no!!) but the consultant assured me that's not the case (yet!) But the analysis did highlight the area I've been neglecting (my eyes.... it was THAT obvious on the machine wooo..... got wrinkles, augh!), so she recommended the eye serum as well. Luckily for cleansing purposes, the Biosource range is still OK for me to use...
All in all, my supposed 'supply top-up' came up to quite a hefty sum.... huwaaaa!!! But this being the Isetan sale period, I did get the pretty white handbag and the miniatures as gifts, plus a few other extras... plus Isetan vouchers for each RM100 spent on cosmetics. So, not too bad la kan?
Tu la... masa memuda dulu (beberapa tahun dahulu aje le hehehe... am still young ok!) malas nak jaga kulit muka... nak cleanse pun punye la seksa, lagi la nak guna toner la, serum la... tahu letak moisturizer aje! Nasib jenis jarang pakai makeup... kalau tak sure lagi teruk muka kot! Now I'm paying for those years of neglect... huwaaaa!!!
And so, my shopping expedition for the day was over...
i pakai make up...
ReplyDeleteskang ni pun tgh dok berkira2 nak gi check my skin...
risau! :)
mrs noba,
ReplyDeletei rasa mmg tak rugi la to at least check... alang-alang ada company nak buat promo, why not kan? at least kalau ada problems, boleh find out awal hehehe...
dulu i mmg take skin care lightly, buat ikut suka & if rajin aje since alhamdulillah kulit takde problem... tapi skang ni rasa la the after effects :p
i terasa tua bila time nak membeli basic skincare, the retail assistant start dok recommend serum.. muahahahahaha
ReplyDeletewalaupun kulit takde major problem tapi tompok2 hitam sudah mula kelihatan dan kaki gagak pun dah start nak keluar...
tension wooo...
dulu selalu neglect bab leher... sekarang baru tau akibatnya (double chin i adalah kerana skin elasticity di situ telah berkurang... sabor ajelah)
ReplyDeletekehkehkehkeh... i so understand what you mean!! i siap dpt recommendation utk eye serum tau! which, sad to say, i did buy in the end... huwaaa...
aiseyman... leher oso aaa... for some reason masa student dulu rajin lak jaga leher, now tak ingat langsung!!! haiyaa...