Tuesday, November 9, 2010

False Alarm!

5 Nov 2010

5.09am - woke up with numbing pain in my lower back, radiating to the bottom of my tummy and down to my right thigh (dunno why only one side...). Tried to sleep it off, but the pain kept coming back every 10-20 mins...

5.30am thereabouts - couldn't stand it anymore... the next time pain hit, got up from the bed and walked around... siap tendang-tendang angin lagi hoping that minor stretching tu kan relieve the pain in the thigh... didn't work *sigh*

6.30am onwards - woke Hubby up for Subuh, told him we should check it out at the hospital... the pain wasn't decreasing, and the frequency's been quite stable... took a quick shower, piled up our stuff in the car, told my parents where we off to (the kids were still asleep) and left for the hospital after 7am. Made a quick stop at Mahbob first for breakfast (I was hungry!!! And I bet it would be past breakfast time at the hospital anyway heheh...)

8.35am - already went through ER, and was sent to the labor ward... got hooked up to the monitors and waited for Doc to arrive... at this point, apparently I was already 1-2cm open, my contractions were very regular (5-6mins apart) but not strong enough for delivery yet... Doc said to wait it out since I was pretty much in labor then... going by previous experiences, told Hubby he could go home and see the kids first since it'll most likely be a while still... He came back later in the day with such adorable wishes from the two kiddies...

9pm and thereafter - Doc said labor wasn't progressing very fast (2-3cm baru ok!! after 12 hours!!!), so decided to assist with pitocin and see how things go... He's had 5 patients (including me) admitted in the labor ward that day, and 4 (4!!!) of them have safely delivered... stress makcik jadinya hehehe... patutla the whole day I kept hearing baby cries je.... we tried to get some sleep that night, but I was restless all through the night... the pain increased for a while with the pitocin, but eventually it petered out... a few were as strong as the ones that brought us to the hospital, but not much after that...

6 Nov 2010

8.30am - Doc came in for another check (I love this Doc, honestly... he came in at least 3 times the day before, and his last visit was almost around midnight!), no change in the opening (still at 2-3cm) and contractions have subsided, so he decided I could go home first... rumah dekat je, so no problem la :) I'm so glad he didn't propose a c-section (cos I know some docs who would say that straightaway!) or decide to break the waterbag yet... he moved me to the maternity ward first for further observation,

2.30pm - the monitors confirmed my contractions have subsided in strngth and are still manageable, so off I go back home to my beloved kids!! Bubbye labor room & maternity ward... see you next time I get serious contractions again!!


I think I've lost my mucus plug over the past 2 days (never had that happen before, so I'm just guessing based on what I've read), so the signs are getting stronger... so far only Kakak's delivery was without any false alarms, and Adik's had 2, so dunno if this little one will be like his big bro or not... wonder if I'll be able to catch Harry Potter before deliver, or wait till after pantang... I hope it plays at least till the end of Dec or into Jan 2011 if so... sempat lagi nak fikir pasal movie hehehe, but it's Harry Potter ok!!!

Let's see how things go...

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