Sunday, August 9, 2009


Have just heard sad news about an old friend of mine...

It was with great sadness that I read on her FB wall that her 2nd son had passed away....

She's miscarried before, and I know her pregnancies are generally difficult. She has a healthy son, about the same age as Adik, and she was expecting another baby...

She was only in her 7th month, but her waterbag started leaking... details on her hubby's blog are a bit sketchy but heartwrenching (imagine having to decide which one to save - wife or baby!) but I know they've agreed to do a C-section... but the little one passed away, leaving his parents devastated.

I realize that no matter how difficult my life can be at times, I've never had to face this sort of tragedy... Arwah Wan's passing was probably the most grief I've had to experience, and even that was tempered by the fact that she had lived a long and I believe happy life... but I think for any parent to lose a child, that has got to be one of the hardest losses to bear....

Takziah Lea & Fareast... stay strong... our thoughts and prayers are with you...


  1. sorry to hear that :(


    Mr.Doc & I wish U & Family Salam Ramdhan Al-Mubarak...

    semoga Ramadhan kali ini memberi seribu keberkatan :D

  2. takziah to ur friends. take care. selamat menyambut ramadhan al mubarak :-D

  3. thanks ladies...

    selamat berpuasa :)
